If you're looking to enhance your home's ventilation while also boosting energy efficiency, you might have come across the term “Energy Recovery Ventilation System” (ERVS). ...
Let's delve into the fascinating world of heat recovery functionality in fresh air systems! It's widely acknowledged that fresh air systems excel at exchanging indoor and outdoor air. H ...
Esasy ýylylyk geçelgesi, ýylylyk tolkuny Its unique feature is not only the precise control of indoor temperature, but also the ultimate pursuit of air quality. Coreyer hökmünde netijeli arassalamak PM2.5, Polen, Bakteriýalar ýaly süzgüçler we wiruslar dag şemalda suwaýan ýalydyr. Its intelligent heat recovery technology, while recov...
Suddenly in the midst of summer, it's time to have some activities! In order to regulate work pressure and allow everyone to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature in their spare time. In ...
Hil taýdan kämilleşdirmekde we üznüksiz gowulaşmagy gözlemek, iguiko, müşderilere rugsat bermek üçin iň arassa we iň tebigy dem alýan iň arassa we iň tebigy dem alýan iň arassa we iň tebigy dem alýan iň arassa we iň tebigy dem alýan iň arassa we iň tebigy dem alýan ýylylygyndan geçmegi dowam etdirýär.
Hil taýdan kämillikleriň ösmegi we üznüksiz gowulaşma, müşderileriň ajaýyp senetçiliginiň ispan dilinde we önümleriň ajaýyp senetçiliginiň we önümleriň ajaýyp ussatlygyna has dirilik bilen has oňat tejribesini has amatly tejribä almaga mümkinçilik berýär. 23-nji iýunda Özboluşly hil ýoly .B-y üýtgeşik önümçilik fabrigi bilen bilelikde, käbirlerini halkara jemgyýetçiliginiň bilelikdäkilarynyň käbirini bilelikde bagyşladyk ...
Tussion Sigstisete-de gelip gelende tomus täzelenýän önümçiliginden peýdalanýar, tomusky solmanyň açylmagy çybaşmak yssy däl we adamlardan lezzet alýarlar ...
Tomus Solstice, Amin SUGA TALIKDE SEMDA SYICHAT However, staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time with poor air circulation can easily lead to a series of health problems. At this point, fresh air products have become a must-have tool in summer, as they can effectively improve indoor air qualit...
House decoration is an unavoidable topic for every family. Especially for younger families, buying a house and renovating it should be their phased goals. However, many people often overlook the indoor air pollution caused by home decoration after it is completed. Should the home fresh air ventilation system be installed? The answer is already obvious. Many people have heard of the fresh air ventilation system. But when it comes to choosing, I believe many people are still a bit confused. In ...
Makylal-ýakynda tehnologiýalar, gözüň we emeli intentiw ýaly tehnologiýalara, süýji howa ulgamlary hem intara öser ...
Arassa howa senagaty ýapyk gurşawda täze daşarky howany birleşdirmek üçin dürli tehnologiki ulanýan enjama degişlidir we daşyndan hapalanup geçişden çykaryldy. With the increas...
Spring is windy, with pollen drifting, dust flying, and willow catkins flying, making it a season of high incidence of asthma. So how about installing fresh air ventilation systems in spring? ÜÇIN ...
Winter brings wind and snow, with gusts of cold. Unforgettable companionship when stepping on the snow. Sichuan Guigu Renju Technology Co., Ltd. E-mail:irene@iguicoo.cn WhatsApp:+8618608156922
Winter brings wind and snow, with gusts of cold. Unforgettable companionship when stepping on the snow. Sichuan Guigu Renju Technology Co., Ltd. E-mail:irene@iguicoo.cn WhatsApp:+8618608156922
On September 15, 2023, the National Patent Office officially granted IGUICOO Company an invention patent for an indoor air conditioning system for allergic rhinitis. Bu ...